5 Letter Word Ending In Elry

Saturday, 20 July 2024

DE'IST, one who believes in God but denies revelation. EN'EMY, a foe; an adversary. See Jest, Sport, Vision, Appearance. DIRE, dreadful; dismal. Prosper, successful.

  1. 5 letter word ending in elry and l
  2. 5 letter word ending in elry e
  3. 5 letter word ending in ery a
  4. 5 letter word ending in elry and h
  5. Five letter word ending in ely
  6. 5 letter word ending in elry and ending

5 Letter Word Ending In Elry And L

Fragrare, flairer, Peregrinus, p6lerin, pilgrim. MAT'RIMONY, marriage. Both), signifies both or double: as, amphib'ious (Bios), (capable of) living both on land and in water. Unassailed, unassaulted. PED'ANTRY, vain show of learnPED'ANT, a man vain of low ing. APtOPHTHEGM, a remarkable say- DIPH'THONG, a union of two ing. DISADVAN'TAGE, loss; injury. Nundinal, Nundinate. Perfbrmance, Effect. EXPAND', to spread; to open. Stop, hin'der, detain', restrain'. Book-derived, according to some, from beech; the beech-tree being used as paper by the Goths. TEMPT', to solicit; to entice. 5 letter word ending in ery a. Fell-a rocky hill; fioell (Swedish), a ridge of mountains; fels (German), a rock.

5 Letter Word Ending In Elry E

J AUSTER'ITY, severity; rigor.. uthenteo (&vowv'ECo), to authorize. CONCEAL', to hide; to secrete. FLO'RA, the goddess of flowers. Thoughtful, Wary, Aware. AFFRONT', to insult; to offend. Scrabble words that end with ELRY. CYNAN'THROPY, a madness in PHILAN'THROPIST, one who loves which men imitate dogs. Oxys; (moros, foolish). PRE-ELECT', to choose beforeIN'TELLECT, understanding. Assign, assignation. ADVENE', to come to. Page 24 INA 24 IND Inadvertent.

5 Letter Word Ending In Ery A

ExOR'BITANT, ~ enormous; exces- OR'BIT, a line des( ribed by a resive. Crisen,, c~rtninttm-s, a crime, an accusation. VER'IFY, to prove true. PEN'NIFORM, quill-shaped. Pandects, in the plural, the digest or collection of civil or Roman law, made by order of the Emperor Justinian, and containing 534 decisions or judgments of lawyers, to which the emperor gave the force and authority of law. VOL'UBLE, rolling; fluent. COR'RUGATE, wrinkled. I SCEP'TICISM, doubt; infidelity. Phrenetic, phrenic, phrenitis. 5 letter word ending in elry and l. VICE, depravity; wickedness. P1&ras-is (qpacie), a saying, a speech. Pgg'-0rs, the common people. See Corrupt, Injure.

5 Letter Word Ending In Elry And H

'atl —m, ~ fate, destiny. VISI'oN-sight; appear'ance, apparitifon, UT'TERn-speak, pronounce', artic'ulate, phant'om, specttre, ghost. ScanEdal-on(sxav&auov), a cause of offence. Page 125 LATIN, GREEK, AND OTHER ROOTS. Wordle game help: 5-letter words ending in 'EL. See Com- spond'ency. See Com- pray'er, suit, entreat'y, solicita'tion. Thing-whatever is; ding (German), signifying, in the northern languages, discourse, judgment, controversy, council; stor-thing, the Norwegian parliament; it has the same meaning in old Scotch; derived from thuin (Gothic), to make. E'vil, distress'ed, afflict'ed. Concert', respect', regard', apper- RIsE-See Go, Issue, Origin. DYS'ENTERY, disease of the DYS'PHONY, difficulty in speakbowels. Exorbitant, exorbitate.

Five Letter Word Ending In Ely

Mixture proportioned by law. SAU'SAGE, a composition of meat, SALINE'; briny. Un; re; pugna Unsupported. PLEBE'IAN, vulgar; low. Ore-os (cpxos), an oath.

5 Letter Word Ending In Elry And Ending

Uncia, once, an ounce. Isos; peri; metrum, valuable. TRILAT'ERAL, having three;rs9 broad. Ac; ca;uses Absent, absentaneous. Tres; gonzia; metrum. Eiu'ULous-See Jealousy.
SENSE, perception; meaning. MENIS'cus, o a sort of lens. ASPERIFO'LIOUS, having rough ASPER'ITY, roughness, harsh- leaves. CONSOLE', to comfort; to cheer. Architect, architectonic, architecture. Song-from son (Saxon), a sound. 5-letter abbreviations that end with. DEJEC'TION, lowness of spirits.

CON'QUER, to gain by force. BIS'CUIT, a kind of bread. CUR'RICLE, an open chaise with RECOURSE', appeal to for help. I PERIPATET'ICISM, * the Peripa PERIPATET'IC, a follower of tetic doctrine. Permanent, permansion. Sabbatn-ua,, rest, the Sabbath. Glo'ry, ostenta'tion, display', parade', WA'RY-cau'tious, cir'cumspect, watch'va'por, van'ity, artrogance, rodomon- ful, guard'ed, scruptulous, timorously tade'. Loom is still used in Scotland for the kitchen utensils. NOLITI'ON, un willingness. Five letter word ending in ely. Sense, sensible, sensitive, sensorium, sen. Sculp, sculpture.

Spiritual substances. APOS'TLE, a messenger. Cas-eos (xcxos), bad, ill. CAcoPI'ONY, a bad sound of words. It may, perhaps, be as naturally allied with kinnen (German), to be able, to know, to ken; hence, our auxiliary can. EXPEIRIENCE-See Trial. ExcEss', superfluity. Corrupt', depra'ved, vititated, vici'- ABSTAI'NING —ab'stinent, abste'mious, ous, wickled; lorn, forlorn', left, so'ber, tem'perate, mod'erate. EPIS'coPACY, a government by TEL'ESCOPE, a glass used for disSCOPE, aim; intention. Page 141 LATIN, GREEK, AND OTHER ROOTS.

Agent, cogent, and exigency, and from actum (Supine), action, actual, and exact. Anathema, anathematical, anathematize. MOL'LIFY, to assuage; to quiet.. 1 oSel t-tn, motion, force; a second. See Follow- DIsTIN'GUIIIss-make or ascertain' dif'f er, Scholar. Falsus, faux, t false. J MAS'TICATE, to ', mans-am, to stay, to abide. The Fiscus was originally a hamper or bag, in which the emperor's treasure was kept: hence, to confiscate a person's property is to put it into the Fiscus or treasury of the king.