Overview Of The Nine Energy Centers In Human Design

Friday, 19 July 2024

Below you will find the 3 gates of the head along with what it sounds like in the wild. SUPER POWER: NAVIGATION INTUITION. You essentially surf the cycles of your own waves of emotions and creativity (emotional wave) before getting clarity on decisions. When the head center comes across something it finds interesting, intriguing, or inspiring, Gate 64 clicks in with the pressure to "figure it out. " The Defined Head in Human Design. Figure out when enough is enough. It always feels like freedom lies on the other side of finishing the thing in front of you. Or is it relieving it? This is the triangle we see at the top of our bodygraph and is the center for inspiration and questions. What is truly inspiring. Human Design Head Center - What is the Head Center. Working with the Head Center in Human Design. Our pineal gland regulates the flow of information. Use inquiry and recurring questions to gain clarity from the defined mind. It is considered one of the pressure centers b/c we're always under pressure here to have the answers.

Human Design Open Head Center For Healing

You are intuitive about healing. Because you tend to amplify the confusion, doubts, and pressure to know, there is an opportunity to cultivate wisdom through the exploration of ideas and inspiration coming from all directions. An open centre is a receptor. The Head Center is one of the two pressure centers (the other one is the Root Center). Let's Journey through the Centers of the Human Design Bodygraph! Human design open head center for healing. A need and pressure to find external inspiration. For example, if your Ajna Center is connected to your Throat Center, you will speak your mind. Be patient with yourself in the process. In Human Design, the "Not-Self" is where you are living against your Design. CHALLENGE: A never-ending sense of pressure to get things done. No matter the configuration of your Head Center, you are perfectly designed exactly as you are. Thankfully, if we are aware of the common fears/messages that can come from these centers and make their way to be filtered through our minds, we can make sure not to make decisions based on these areas of openness! Our choices may stem from our parents' beliefs or what we think is expected of us.

In the body the head center is associated with the pineal gland which regulates the flow of information between the gray areas of the brain and the neocortex. Fear of sharing your opinions. Ajna Center or Mind Center (Second Triangle). It may be words that come out of your mouth, written word or your creations. G / Self Center or Identity Center (Diamond). This is where a mindfulness practice can be very handy. Each shape represents one of the nine Human Design Energy Centers. Human design open head center for special. Our open centers are a great source of wisdom and can be used to learn about the world and contribute to our insight, but we should avoid making decisions from these centers since they may be susceptible to outside influence. With a detective-like focus, Gate 63 pokes and prods until it is able to see all eventualities.

Anytime my head gets turned on, this fixed gate is how I learn about mental pressure, and my driving force is to want to know the mysteries, to discover what works (through experiencing what doesn't! ) Express yourself in all that you do and celebrate the brilliance of who you are. The Not-Self is simply that – making decisions and living our lives based on who we are not and who we believe ourselves to be. If we are in our mind, we are in the not-self of whatever particular center, we are having doubts around. Human Design: Let's talk the Open Head Center. Advice: Seek attention in appropriate ways, and recognise the value in pausing and listening, without feeling a need to fill the silence unless there's something worth contributing. KEY: Trust your intuition.

Human Design Open Head Center For Special

When we get stuck in our heads, mulling things over, running loops, playing out ideas that aren't even ours, we can succumb to intense pressure creating discomfort in the body like migraines or headaches. You are the reason we have new ideas and innovation in this world. They also come with their own CHALLENGES – effects to look out for and be aware of. It's important to tune into what resonates and what does not with this energy. Fear of losing people if you live your truth. However, when you enter the correct situations using your strategy and authority, you have the potential to stay grounded and have a beautiful sense of stillness in your pursuits, even amidst stress and chaos. But there is another side to it. Gate 64 - The Gate of Confusion. Here's what how each center influences us, dependent upon whether they're defined or open/undefined: Head Center (Top Triangle). The Not-Self expresses itself through the mind - in essence, it's where we've given our Authority back to our minds. Human design open centers. This pressure of mental activity (or not) is an energy that brings cyclical mental images from the past, all jumbled together. Pay attention to the source of your emotions, are they yours or someone else's?

KEY: If you are inspired all the time, how do you know what inspirations to follow? Trust your intuition and know that you receive intuitive insights in many ways. KEY: Ask a friend who has an undefined Ajna to use their superpower to help you see another perspective! Whether you have certain gates defined, active channels, a defined or open head center, these themes are present in all of us.

Pressure to keep working to exhaustion. I participated in a group like this last summer and it was very motivating (even for my defined head center). Any quick glance at the state of the world will tell us how that is going. Flow with universal timing. It is here to be an observer. The open G center question is: Am I looking for love and direction?

Human Design Open Centers

I really hate that i dont have anything up there like even my throat is undefined. If the ideas here fascinate you, then there's certainly no harm in having an open mind and looking more deeply as a spiritual experiment. We can end up a bit all over the place chasing things. Our open centers are where we are most susceptible to being conditioned (influenced), by the people in our lives, but also by cultural expectations and societal norms. To maintain a sense of calm it's advisable to clearly explain your expectations. Also as a projector, this is a confusing world to live in right now. Imagine if we just said whatever came to mind! While we are inspired by those around us and should go out and be in environments that stir inspiration whether it's a coffee shop, or hanging out at galleries if you want to be more inspired around art, we also have to be cautious of going down paths that we're not actually that inspired by. "Oh, there is that conditioning force! Struggle with acting on your thoughts. Default to negative thinking. If you are exposing yourself to lots and lots of questions OR asking the "wrong" questions, that will just build more and more pressure. Getting to know the not-self of the head is critical to letting go of what is not yours as the mind (head and Ajna operating together) is the not-self spokesperson for all the undefined or open centers in the chart. Superpowers in the Centers. How Does Your Mind Work?

With all of these ideas, the proof is in the RESULTS. The open Ajna question is: Am I trying to convince everyone/myself that I am sure? Am I actually inspired by this *fill in the blank*? Two of the Gates are a part of the Sharing Circuit, divided into the logical and abstract circuits. The open Sacral center question is: Do I know when enough is enough? I think and learn differently than everyone else and I really hate it cause when i'm around people with defined ajna and/or head centers, they always treat me like i'm fuckin stupid or some shit. Of course, this does not relieve the pressure, not really and can fuel the Not-Self in ways that we may not be aware of, if we are not aware of what's going on. What does this look like, sound like, and how does it present itself? For most people, the conditioning will come from being in aura with others, such as a person with a defined centre being with a person with an open or undefined centre. The mental pressure of questioning, doubt, and needing an answer. There are so many opinions circulating that I feel lost in knowing what exactly is my OWN.

An open centre, as implied by the name, is completely open. Honeysuckle grows in a winding and twisting pattern that is akin to a labyrinth and the Lapwing bird lays makes its nest deep in the hidden heart of the plant. Particularly for Generators, the mind should never be our Authority - we have the Sacral (and if you have Emotional Authority, your emotions) to help us make decisions. Be gentle with your expectations of others, not everyone can do what you can. This will help you be wise about what is truly inspiring.

There is a constant mental pressure to know and seek answers. If I have that information, then I will be ready. It is associated with your pineal gland.